Maxiwatt C/ Marie Curie, 31
03203 Elche (Alicante)
Phone: (+34) 965 45 26 19
Fax: (+34) 965 45 33 45
Maxiwatt Shop


Customized cartridge heater
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Support for the promotion of the Valencian Community abroad<br>la Comunitat Valenciana 2021

Import received: 28,296.70 €.

RESISTENCIAS INDUSTRIALES MAXIWATT, S.L. has received aid amounting to 14,856.98 euros with file number INPYME/2023/329 for the development of the project consisting of EXPANDING THE INDUSTRIAL RESISTANCE MANUFACTURING PROCESS with new advanced equipment, within the framework of the sixth phase of implementation of the Strategic Plan for Valencian industry, aid to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of industrial SMEs in the Valencia Region in various sectors 2023.