Maxiwatt C/ Marie Curie, 31
03203 Elche (Alicante)
Phone: (+34) 965 45 26 19
Fax: (+34) 965 45 33 45
Made to order 24-hour dispatch on-line shop


Maxiwatt High Density cartridges, which
have demonstrated their efficiency for over
50 years working with satifactory in millions
of applications that very few manufacturers are
currently capable of manufacturing in a maximum
temperature of 1000º.

New applications that have emerged in the recent
years require higher temperatures . Maxiwatt
has developed a complete line of cartridge
heaters that technologically reaches a
critical temperature of 1000º with
unprecedented reliability.

More durability at higher temperature

Our durability success

Extreme compression of the double compact, more quantity of Nickel thread chrome 80/20, a new extremely pure magnesium oxide, wrapped in incoloy 800 tube, nickel-iron-chrome alloy. with other innovations that made new cartridge heaters, superior durability unlike any other type of cartridge heater.
Laboratory tests made with thermographic camera
All ULTRAWATT cartridges must be placed inside H7 tolerance holes.
The wide range of existing terminations and complements with ISO, UL, CSA certification for high-density cartridges, its also available for the new ULTRAWATT cartridges.
Brake pads where extreme temperatures are required for its elaboration.


Sales Conditions - Legal Notice - Data Protection - © 2010 - 2023 Resistencias Industriales Maxiwatt S.L.

Support for the promotion of the Valencian Community abroad<br>la Comunitat Valenciana 2021

Import received: 28,296.70 €.

RESISTENCIAS INDUSTRIALES MAXIWATT, S.L. has received aid amounting to 14,856.98 euros with file number INPYME/2023/329 for the development of the project consisting of EXPANDING THE INDUSTRIAL RESISTANCE MANUFACTURING PROCESS with new advanced equipment, within the framework of the sixth phase of implementation of the Strategic Plan for Valencian industry, aid to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of industrial SMEs in the Valencia Region in various sectors 2023.

RESISTENCIAS INDUSTRIALES MAXIWATT, S.L. has received aid in the amount of 19,503.25 euros with file number IDAUT2/2021/551 for the development of the project consisting of the INSTALLATION OF 112.5 kWp PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR POWER PLANT FOR SELF-CONSUMPTION with aid from the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) under the renewable energies and biofuels programme.